Detachable Shotshell Carrier Pouch MKIII MultiCam
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SKU: DSC Carrier Pouch MultiCam
Categories: Benelli M1 and M2, Benelli M4 and Turknelli, Benelli Nova, H&R 1871 Pardner Pump, Mossberg 500, Mossberg 590, Mossberg 930, Remington 1100 and 11-87, Remington 870, Shotshell Holding Systems, TriStar, Escort, Hatsan, and Fabarm Shotguns
Tags: Benelli M4, Benelli M4 Accessories, Custom Tactical Shotgun, Detachable Shotshell Carrier, Detachable Shotshell Carrier Pouch MKIII, Mossberg 500, Mossberg 500 Accessories, Mossberg 590, Mossberg Accessories, Remington 11-87, Remington 1100, Remington 870, Reminton 870 accessories, Removable shotshell carrier, Removable Shotshell carriers, S&J Hardware USA, Shotshell Pouch, SOE, Tactical Shotgun, Tactical Shotgun accessories